-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1,SHA512 Fri Jan 15 17:00:00 MST 2016 # GPG/OpenPGP Key Transition Statement # As time marches on, and computers grow ever more powerful, it's clear that it's possible for well-funded organizations to compromise my old GPG/OpenPGP key. I'm transitioning my GPG/OpenPGP key from an old 1024-bit DSA key to a new 4096-bit RSA key. * The old key will continue to be valid for one year. * I prefer all new correspondence to be encrypted with the new key. * I would like this new key to be re-integrated into the web of trust. This transition document is signed by both keys to certify the transition. The old key was: pub dsa1024/C77F6510 2008-10-21 Key fingerprint = DEDC 320A 3F2A 26F9 B10B C439 8EF4 6B5D C77F 6510 And the new key is: pub rsa4096/15279DFF 2016-01-15 [expires: 2017-01-14] Key fingerprint = F2FF 8921 60E9 4EAE BE15 DBB9 546C 244B 1527 9DFF To fetch the full key (including a photo uid, which is commonly stripped by public keyservers), you can get it with: wget -q -O- https://www.pariahzero.net/GPG/546C244B15279DFF.gpg \ | gpg --import - Or, to fetch my new key from a public key server, you can simply execute: gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-key 546C244B15279DFF If you already know my old key, you can verify that the new key is signed by the old one: gpg --check-sigs 8EF46B5DC77F6510 If you don't know my old key, or you just want to be doubleplus cautious, you can check the new key's fingerprint against the one listed above: gpg --fingerprint 546C244B15279DFF If you the following conditions have been met, I'd appreciate it if you would sign my key: * You want to sign my key * You are satisfied that you've got the correct key * You are satisfied that User IDs in the key match what you expect You can sign my key in a number of ways, including: gpg --sign-key 546C244B15279DFF Lastly, if you could upload these signatures, I would appreciate it. You can either: * Send me an e-mail with the new signatures * If you have a functional MTA on your system: gpg --armor --export 546C244B15279DFF | \ mail -s 'OpenPGP Signatures' ttelford@me.com * Upload the signature to a public keyserver directly: gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --send-key 546C244B15279DFF Please contact me if you have any questions about this transition. Thanks, Troy Telford -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2 iEYEARECAAYFAlaavDgACgkQjvRrXcd/ZRDniwCeLVe5y3T7pRtpcW6UP/CAfi/P xBMAoOGNUxe1mku3R/VuMSrQl70LB/COiQIcBAEBCgAGBQJWmrw4AAoJEHy6h9vg gtzfEWYQAK1BvTMy0MhHQtnziQl+dfyQ8+dAyS0RY2xx1VouXfNGIEPyh95oxSlI h3AM3fIXRmYkUpG+VrY4aYOBvbYuDD1S/7EvLrwl7DrvR98K/wSpwa2XnPVWBP/d 7LwSjowCo8ThzjJwuDEczGj8bQpD8qK8WnUkfOVHFoXDDktj3rCE+w+MVW6EUurs 7PFWV6METZGgyOPiV7B6zsT0IXQdCergiOLJW7xScvFu+JjwKRRliQ8YPlwhwHl7 8R1mkG2J7RvZV6e0wk/jwjwwlgeyIt2ese/jIYNYfIDFvPgMCb48AVmxgd/L5CYC U+noYsQrUYI0b0nBglCUEoMV3MIfi33Rjsy1Ri15+9+4bSaixHuBLmxU4EMqW0gF j2kSJPwIopjehxCE4OTwUb+PX7tHPtJs8PEcqjtWs++Hi56wnK9RKFGS9MaE3Yuz l48C9NKLBvGemEi4jNX5DDWq0TXF7m0UleFzI1rE5kwJlCMDAHtvtnz02xu+PDay fFWdrHJEG4zwC+1wd982mM8G7pHUbzHnZKKBhcExmg60Mg5Iw71n+PLeyuyuNCRi fTdIs1u0KUiyFnQn3K1KTRxea0GyZGP8xf5tePLG9sJQf2g5brLys68o2gQae3lk ysV9ucfl00i+SnKMx6IKXIfGfQiuZFHAClw/JaivD/xJdlzsVx8B =Jp0i -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----